Thursday, January 23, 2020

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded - Sexuality and the Morally Didactic Novel :: Pamela Virtue Rewarded Essays

Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded - Sexuality and the Morally Didactic Novel We have difficulties as a modern audience appreciating the social anxieties reflected in Pamela, especially those surrounding morality and valuation of individuals within the social framework. The radical stance of even using phrases such as virtue and 'fortune' to denote Pamela's virginity are themselves loaded with a questioning of the social stratification in which she resides. The term 'Fortune' is perhaps the most playful but problematic. In it the issue of the commodification of Pamela's virginity is implicated, while at the same time gaining its authority within the framework of the novel through a Protestant ethic of internal individual worth apart from social stratification. Complicating this issue of commodification is the range of Marxist or Weberian readings of the novel that place it within a conflict between the working and aristocratic classes. Pamela is explicitly placing value in her 'protestant ethic' rather than her social standing, it being "more pride to [he r] that [she] come of such honest parents, than if [she] had been born a lady" (Pamela 48) and in the same letter looking disparagingly on her fellow 'servants.' My analysis will take as central the moral issues in Pamela, but this is done with a cognizance that how we reflect on Pamela's morality is also closely related to how we read the economic and social aspects of the novel. There have been many works written in response to Pamela, some attacking the eroticism of the novel and others the social deconstruction it implies; however, the most emphatic is likely to be the Marquis de Sade's literary response in Justine (1791) and Juliette (1797). As we've already seen in "Fantomina," the erotic novel is not something new to the 18th century, and examples such as John Cleland's Fanny Hill (1748) provide explicit materials to demonstrate that the pornography and sadism of the day were as explicit as our own. As Shamela illustrates, this erotic aspect of Pamela cannot be overlooked, especially with the physicality of aspects of the letter writing and the reader's 'view' of Pamela's body through this. David Evans describes this as the prurience of its pre-occupation with sex disguised as moral guidance, and the travesty of Christian morality involved in showing 'virtue rewarded' to mean materially rewarded in this life, not spiritually in the next one.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Happiness for Our Life

HAPPINESS for OUR LIFE WHAT IS HAPPINESS: Happiness is thought of as the good life, freedom from suffering, flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity, and pleasure. Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy.Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. Two Faced I Smile When I’m Happy, I Smile more When I’m Sad FEW TIPS TO FOLLOW TO CREATE HAPPINESS IN OUR LIFE: 1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for at taining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers. . Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value. 3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious. 4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. 5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness. 6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood. . Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy. 8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness. 9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness.Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire. Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness. Happiness for Our Life HAPPINESS for OUR LIFE WHAT IS HAPPINESS: Happiness is thought of as the good life, freedom from suffering, flourishing, well-being, joy, prosperity, and pleasure. Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy.Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. Two Faced I Smile When I’m Happy, I Smile more When I’m Sad FEW TIPS TO FOLLOW TO CREATE HAPPINESS IN OUR LIFE: 1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for at taining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers. . Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value. 3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious. 4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. 5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness. 6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood. . Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy. 8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness. 9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness.Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire. Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Factors and Results of the Industrial Revolution

Introduction: Within a few decades from late 19th century to the early 20th century, from a rural agricultural society, the United States was transformed into an industrial economy centered with large metropolitan cities. Industrial revolution is fundamentally linked with the rise of factories and the decline of skilled artisans in manufacturing. The time period from 1870s to 1930s not only the expanded of industrialization but also urbanization. The pace of rural to urban migration of the native born picked up during this era, but domestic urban ward migrants were dwarfed by the flood of immigrants coming to cities. Immigrants were concentrated in the rapidly growing cities in Northeast and Midwest during industrial revolution of America. At this time, you witnessed a huge flow of immigrant workers, mostly from the Southern and Eastern European, added up with the already immigrant from west European, who came to the US with hope to get out of poverty and inequality. Immigration to the US was simply unrestricted, also the lower cost of travel also a factor for this flood of workers since there were easier and cheaper for people to come to another country, work and bring the money back to their countries. With the differences in currency, they thought that somehow they would have more than enough money to support the families. Immigrants and their descendants was the primary workforce in the rapidly expanding manufacturing economy of the early 20th century. They were,Show MoreRelatedImportant Factors Leading to Industrial Revolution1606 Words   |  7 PagesNowadays, it is almost taken for grante d that the industrial revolutions are the result of changing technology and the proper application of that in the industrial production. However, from my point of view, these two factors did play a vital role in stimulating industrial revolutions, but they were not the only catalyzer propelling monumental development in industry. Influentially, the improvements in organizations of politics, social patterns, commerce, finance, and transportation alsoRead MoreThe Era Of Industrial Revolution1474 Words   |  6 Pages that brought substantial and visible change to the way of living is the era of Industrial Revolution. The period of the Industrial revolution began in the early 1700s and ended in the late 1800s. During the century, the Industrial revolution engendered both positive and negative changes to the human society. Some of the cons include the rapid increase in human population, as at the beginning of Industrial revolution, population grew by 57 percent. In addition, growth of factories and industriesRead MoreThe Decline Of The Industrial Revolution1462 Words   |  6 Pageswhat factors played into such a drastic shift in the global economy from 1500. Previously China had been at the heart of the international trade yet it did not industrialise first. The economic and societal transformations which occurred in Britain in the period span ning 1770 to 1900 resulted in the formation of the modern capitalist economy. A model replicated in other parts of the world through replication, in the US for instance or forcibly implemented on the population, for example Russia inRead Morefactors that contributed to the rise and development of sociology1511 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay serves to outline the factors that contributed to the rise of sociology and the latter`s development. In simply terms, sociology is the scientific study of the society and human behavior. The emergence of sociology traces back to the eighteenth century up to present day. Johnson (1998) suggests that in summary, the rise and development of sociology is based on political, economic, demographic, social and scientific changes. Ritzer (2008) asserts that the immediate cause for the beginningRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution in Europe1217 Words   |  5 Pageswas rising immensely. Concepts like partnerships and selling shares were introduced during this time period. The process of the Industrial Revolution was rapid in Western Europe however, by the 1900 all of Europe was involved. Over all, the effects of the revolution changed the way materials are transported, how products are made, on a global basis.The Industrial Revolution was a critical turning point in European history because the changes made are integral in the modern age. The inventions madeRead MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesAs the Industrial Revolution took place, many drastic changes†¦ technological, social, economic, and cultural also occurred. The Industrial Age brought about a new order that gave rise to the world of skyscrapers, factories of mass-production, and electronic devices that we are accustomed to today. The everyday lives of ordinary people underwent a dramatic change for the better. Before the Industrial Age, people lived very simple and hardworking lives. Any food or clothing they had was produced byRead MoreChildren Working In The Factories during the British Industrial Revolution1316 Words   |  6 PagesThe British industrial revolution (1770 - 1850) had a super negative impact on the right of children. Since child labour was already a pervasive problem during the 17th century in Britain, the industrial revolution simply just made child labour even more overflowed. It was extremely unfair compare these thousands of children who worked non-stopping and suffered throughout their whole childhoods with the other normal kids who were at school and lived happily. However there had not been much thingsRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century1161 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloped country than any others in the world. There are more than one factor that made the Industrial Revolution happened first in Britain, some examples are: The Agricultural Revolution, the growth of population, The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, World Trading, and the Cottage Industry. With all those factors, it comes down to: What started the Industrial Revolution? The clothe industry was one of the big factor. Unlike modern day, clothe was used to be made by hand or through a cottonRead More The Industrial Revolution Essay1526 Words   |  7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution in Britain’s history is marked as the period of great development that led to the modern era of growth, improved living standards and technology. Moreover, this revolution was not just limited to Britain; it affected the rest of Europe and America in the same positive manner. Due to the Industrial Revolution’s success in many countries, it is now commonly cited as the surest way for a country to develop. In economics, goals of a developed country are high production of goodsRead MoreIndustrial Revolution : A Time Of Economic Success888 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough the Industrial Revolution is widely referred as a time of economic success, and very often benefited the rich. The Industrial Revolution occurred during the eighteenth century and was a time of innovation, but it is clear that present time has made several improvements, especially in working conditions. The working conditions were harsh and unlike the working conditions of present time child labor was very prevalent in the period of the Industrial Revolution, in addition to this there were