Monday, December 30, 2019

No Sense in Censorship - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1472 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Censorship Essay Did you like this example? Talk show host Dick Cavett once stated that Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself. Although this interpretation dealt with obscenities, I believe that his message still holds true for all forms of censorship. Censoring a message is the act of publicly displaying oners disapproval. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "No Sense in Censorship" essay for you Create order It shines a spotlight on an image and in many cases throughout history, does more harm than good whilst trying to restrict something from the publicrs eye. In most cases, the threat of an impending attack would be unsettling to most people, but in Seth Rogenrs case, it was the best thing that could have happened. In December of 2014, Rogenrs new movie, The Interview, was expected to release on Christmas day. In the film, popular talk show host Dave Skylark (James Franco) and producer Aaron Rapaport (Seth Rogen) land the interview of a lifetime, an interview with Kim Jong-un. Before departing for the interview, both Skylark and Rapaport are recruited by the CIA and instructed to assassinate the dictator. After Korean Intelligence discovered the contents of this movie, the real Kim Jong-un threated a merciless retaliation for the release of this movie due to its negative depiction of both himself and his country. This threat mixed with previously existing possibilities of North Korears use of nuclear weapons caused widespread panic across the states causing a majority of theaters to cancel all showings of the film. Originally, this film was expected to attract a typical stoner comedy audience. It had received many negative reviews and was expected to be a box office flop, but after North Korears threat, a new buzz was created over movie. Many people who would have never seen the film were now curious of its contents and why North Korea wanted them banned. News stations provided the movie with hours of free publicity as every major cable provider covered the newest threat to American safety. Even with this newfound curiosity, Americans were hesitant to see the film because they still feared for their lives. Just when it seemed like North Korea had succeeded, and that the movie would not be shown, Sony came up with a soulution. They released the movie as planned, but rather than in theaters, the film was released on VOD (video-on-demand) services so that the public could access the material without leaving the safety of their homes. Even with this unusual release strategy the movie was purchased or rented over six million times earning the studio just over forty-five million. North Korears attempted censorship of this film ended up turning a potential box office disaster into Sonyrs most profitable online release to date. When asked to comment on the situation, Rogen was able to provide some comic relief stating People dont usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after theyve paid 12 bucks for it. He and the entire Sony team never stopped working toward finding a way to release the movie, even in the midst of all adversity. They werent intimidated by the threats and were determined to make sure that their film was seen. While this may seem farfetched as censorship was coming from a country synonymous with oppression and censorship, but my belief still holds true in other countries. This past October, a similar situation took place at the Ubud Writers Festival, a festival held in Indonesia where writers and scholars alike gather from across the world to discuss the meaning of cross-cultural connection. Along with marking the 12th year of the festival, 2015 was especially important in other ways: marking the 50th anniversary of the Indonesian anticommunist purge responsible for killing upwards of half a million people. Keeping this tragic event in mind, event organizers originally planned to have the massacre act as a focal point for many discussions, but, just days before the festival, something changed. The Indonesian government forced the director of the festival, Jane DeNeefe, to cancel three sessions about the massacre and its aftermath, as well as a screening of Joshua Oppenheimerrs critically acclaimed documentary, The Look of Silence, a documentary in which an optician confronts the men who killed his brother during the 1960s purge. On top of everything, the government insisted that the event itself must not be mentioned. As one can imagine, this decision did not hold well with festival attendees. The government was evading conflict. They were trying to continue to pretend that these past events had never occurred. They didnt want to take responsibility for past actions and were worried that if the genocide was brought to the center of attention, new conflict amongst the country would arise. Instead of hushing their disturbing history using censorship, they escalated the situation igniting a global uproar, which brought even more attention to the anniversary, and therefore, government cruelty. As a result of censorship attendees from around the world condemned this enforced silence and assured the world that this event would still be discussed, even if they couldnt use its name. On top of receiving negative press about the genocide, the government now faced accusations of free speech violations. A spotlight was now shown on the country, and on the festival itself. If the Indonesian government hadnt attempted to censor this issue, I personally would never have known that it occurred. But because they tried to restrict an unalienable right, free speech, they ended up negatively impacting their own cause and turned the world against them. There are even examples of domestic censorship backfiring. The Civil Rights Movement is arguably the most important movement of this country since the countryrs founding. It was led by iconic figureheads such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X and was the push to exercise the fact that all men are created equal and was the beginning of the end to the embarrassing time period of white supremacy in this country. Whilst acting as a voice of African Americans, MLK faced his fair share of adversity. He and his followers constantly received threats and beatings all with the hope of discouragement. What most didnt know was that even our government was trying to stop MLK. New declassified documents show that even the FBI tried to scare Dr. King away from his cause. In letters sent to MLK, the FBI stated, King, there is only one thing left for you to do (kill yourself). You know what it is. [ ] You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation. The FBI did everyt hing in their power get him to stop but MLK pressed forward. They released his extramarital affairs to the press as well as any other information that would discredit him, but MLK was not deterred. He realized equal rights were just around the corner and used the FBIrs actions as fuel to the fire that was his fight for equality. In 1968 as MLK was continuing to make slow and steady progress, he was assassinated. Many people believed that without a leader, without a Nobel Peace Prize winning figurehead, the movement would lose traction. They couldnt have been more wrong. This assassination, the literal censorship of King from the Earth, impacted the country in exact opposite of what was intended. The assassination served as a catalyst for the civil rights movement. The murder resulted in a period of national mourning, a period that was the first time many white Americans felt sympathy for the black cause. A man who had preached peace over violence, a man who had kept white-black conflict to a minimum, was now dead. King, now a martyr, served as even more of a face for the cause. Now more than ever, people across the country came together in support of the movement, forcing the government to amend its current laws. Time and time again the act of censorship has proven to send a more powerful message than the message itself. It creates a rallying point and unifies the groups opposing censorship. It has caused viewership of a taboo subject to increase, awareness of a genocide to spread, and expedited the Civil Rights movement. Censorship has proven ineffective due to the backlash it receives for restricting the natural rights of all. Works Cited Faughnder, Ryan. The Interview Earns $31 Million from VOD, $5 Million at Box Office. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 2015. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. Print. Groves, Nancy. Ubud Writers Festival Debates Massacre that Were Not Supposed to Talk About' The Guardian. N.p., 2 Nov. 2015. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. Martin Luther King Jr Assassination. AE Television Networks, 20120. Web. 8 Dec. 2015. Vibes, John. Declassified Documents Show FBI Threats To Martin Luther King Jr. MintPress News. N.p., 14 Nov. 2014. Web. 7 Dec. 2015.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Ontological Argument By Anselm - 1524 Words

I will begin my paper by discussing the two major versions of the ontological argument by Anselm presented in the proslogion. The first being â€Å"Possible and actual existence†, and the second being â€Å"Contingent or Necessary†. One should start off with the first summarized in the standard form as follows: #1 It is a conceptual truth that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined. #2 God exists as an idea in the mind. #3 A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind. #4 Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God. #5 But we cannot imagine something that is greater than†¦show more content†¦[Ia] Unfortunately to properly render a complete discussion of the ontological argument One must begin by defining a few keywords. Definitions for P2 are as follows. first, conceptual truth: someth ing that can be understood or perceived by the use of reason or imagination. Second, a being: one’s basic nature, or the qualities thereof; essence or personality[3]. Third, greater: of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average [4]. Forth, imagined: form a mental image or concept of [4]. Fifth, Idea: a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action [4]. Sixth, mind: the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought [4]. Definitions for P3 are as follows. Seventh, actual: existing in fact; typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed [4]. Eighth, existence: the fact or state of living or having objective reality. Ninth, contingent: occurring or existing only if certain other circumstances are the case; dependent on [4]. Tenth, necessary: present; needed; essential [4]. Due to the nature of definitions, I will not give an argument for the lack of implied meanings. [IIa] For P2 axioms #1 and #3 appears that using a loose form of relativism the argument holds. For axiom #2 its entirety is an assumption that is to be disproved. Axioms #4-6 are logical deductions from Axioms #1 through #3. For P3Show MoreRelatedAnselm s Argument On The Ontological Argument1614 Words   |  7 PagesPrologion, Anselm argues that God exists, otherwise known as the ontological argument. Anselm believes that â€Å"there is no doubt that something than which a greater cannot be thought exists both in the understanding and in reality (Anselm, Proslogion, 7).† In other words, we cannot imagine something that is able to be greater than God; it would be a contradiction to think being greater than the greatest possible being that can be thought of. A number of philosophers do not agree with Anselm’s argument, suchRead MoreThe Ontological Argument Made By Anselm1365 Words   |  6 PagesThe ontological argument made by Anselm was criticized by one of his contemporaries, a monk named Gaunilo, who said, that by Anselm s reasoning, one could imagine a certa in island, more perfect than any other island, tf this island can exist in the mind, then according to Anselm, it would necessarily exist in reality, for a perfect island would have this quality. But this is obviously false; we cannot make things exist merely by imagining them. Anselm replied, upholding his argument by sayingRead MoreEssay about Anselms Ontological Argument680 Words   |  3 Pages As a theologian and philosopher, Saint Anselm strove to prove the existence of God in reality. The bulk of his argument is found in Chapter II of Proslogium. Anselm begins by defining God as amp;#8220;a being than which nothing greater can be conceived;. He continues by stating that amp;#8220;even a fool; has the capacity to understand this definition of God and that whatever is understood exists in the understanding. Anselm now draws his first intermediate inference based on these initialRead MoreAnselm s Ontological Argument On The Existence Of God935 Words   |  4 PagesAnselm’s Ontological argument sets out to not only prove God’s existence, but to show that God’s existence is self-evident. Similar to other ontological arguments, it uses a priori knowledge to argue its validity, meaning that the propositions made are derived from internal reasoning instead of sense experience. The argument begins with Anselm defining the term God as â€Å"that, than which nothing greater can be conceived† (pg.26). 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This includes the argument, basic idea, initial assumptions, Anselm’s definition of god, and Anselm s distinctions which are needed to completely understand the nature of my argument. Furthermore, I will present concepts of logic and define what makes an argum ent valid, and circular argument because they are necessary for understandingRead MoreDoes Anselm s Ontological Argument Successfully Show That God Exists?1245 Words   |  5 PagesDoes Anselm’s Ontological Argument Successfully Show That God Exists? The argument of whether God does or doesn’t exist has been a popular philosophical topic and everyday topic around the world for many centuries. It is a very important concept that philosophers have been trying to grasp since the beginning of philosophy. Anselm and Hume both have arguments that give us reasons to believe whether God exists or doesn’t exist. In this paper, I will venture into Anselm’s ontological argument, Hume’s contra-ontologicalRead MoreOntological Argument Is Not Reliant On An Posteriori933 Words   |  4 Pages Ontological Argument Saint Anselm created the â€Å"Ontological Argument†. Saint Anselm was the archbishop of Canterbury. The premise of Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument is that, no greater being can be conceived than God. The Ontological Argument is an a priori or deductive argument. An a priori argument does not have to be supported by real or factual evidence just by reason without observation. Thus, the Ontological Argument is not reliant on an a posteriori premise. An a posteriori argumentRead MoreEssay on The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God1545 Words   |  7 PagesThe Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument is an a priori argument. The arguments attempt to prove Gods existence from the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument was introduced by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Anselms classical argument was based on two principals and the two most involved in this is St Anselm of Canterbury as previously mentioned and Rene Descartes. The ontological argument argues thatRead MoreDale Barlet. Philosophy 100. Professor Mcandrews. 3/28/17.1253 Words   |  6 Pages3/28/17 In Proslogion, Anselm argues God’s existence using what has come to be known as the ontological argument. Using the ontological argument, Anselm disproves â€Å"the fools† belief that there is no God. However, Anselm does not give enough backing to his arguments. This is particularly true in the fourth point, that it is conceivable that God exists in reality. Although I agree with Anselm, he gives no evidence to support why it is conceivable that God truly exists in reality. Anselm immediately goes

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hot zone Free Essays

There are a number of characters in this book, choose one and tell us why you would want to be that person. Throughout this book we are introduced to many interesting and riveting characters but in my opinion one of the best characters in this book would have to be Major Nancy Jaax. She was a veterinarian in the Army, and her work at Fort Detrick in Maryland often took her away from her children. We will write a custom essay sample on Hot zone or any similar topic only for you Order Now Consequently, she often made up batches of meals in advance so they could easily be thawed and reheated in the microwave (Preston, 1994). She and her husband, Jerry, met in college and both became veterinarians. They eventually entered the military together as members of the Army’s Veterinary Corps(Preston, 1994). They lived in Maryland with their two children, Jason and Jaime, and various pets. Nancy’s work took her away from her family in other respects, as well, and she missed saying goodbye to her dying father because she felt that leaving during the decontamination mission would be a dereliction of duty (Preston, 1994). Nancy Jaax had to fight to get into the pathology group at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (Preston, 1994). At that time, her status as a married female† made other people feel that she was unqualified for the Job and that she would panic in a dire situation. The military at that time was still a very male-oriented organization. In addition, Nancy had bad reactions to the vaccinations necessary to enter the program (Preston, 1994). She actually wanted to get into the Level 4, or the highest-risk part of the program, because there is no vaccine for those agents. Finally, Nancy’s hands tended to move very quickly, and that made others nervous (Preston, 1994). When individuals handle sharp instruments that could be contaminated witn virus-intested b everyone wants to believe that his or ner partner is going to handle these instruments safely. Over the course of time, Nancy battled through each of these objections. She studied martial arts to control her movements, and at 5 feet, 4 inches, she could knock a 6-foot-tall man to the ground easily (Preston, 1994). Getting accepted into the program also included her standing up for herself to the colonel in charge of the program (Preston, 1994). She proved her desire and her competency, and by the time of the outbreak at the monkey house in Reston, Nancy Jaax had been promoted to the Chief of Pathology at USAMRIID Preston, 1994). 2. In your opinion did the government react appropriately when they decided to destroy the monkeys in Reston? Why or why not? In my opinion, yes the government did react appropriately when they decided to destroy the monkeys in Reston. The monkeys at a research facility were infected with a strain of Ebola. The military, along with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), takes on the task of entering the monkey house and destroying the animals in an attempt to keep the virus from Jumping into the human population and causing a potentially worldwide crisis (Preston, 1994). The entire facility must be treated as a Hot Zone, and hundreds of monkeys are killed. Scares abound throughout the procedure: one woman’s ventilated suit runs out of battery power, a monkey thought to be unconscious wakes up on the operating table while it is being euthanized and tries to bite a soldier, and tears occur in various members’ space suits How to cite Hot zone, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Market Analysis of Manuka Honey Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Market Analysis of Manuka Honey. Answer: Manuka honey exporting from New Zealand to Mexico Manuka honey is one of the important export products of New Zealand. It is one of the most beneficial and unique type of honey available in the market. In 2015, the amount of global export of the Manuka honey has doubled. Mexico is one of the main importers of this honey ("", 2017). Although Mexico produces almost 57,000 tons of honey every year, making it the sixth largest country in honey production, still Manuka honey has been able to capture the honey market in Mexico. Market entry Analysis based on chosen country Mexico New Zealand is the third-largest exporter of honey in the world. Mexico has shown predictable and stable economic growth over the years. At the same time, Mexico has free trade agreement with maximum number of countries in the world. Hence, the terms of trade are much better for Mexico to do business with. Being the 11th largest economy of the world, Mexico is a profitable destination for the exporters of the world. Manuka has been able to capture the market in Mexico due to lower price and better quality. Mexico is one of the major importers of Manuka honey. This is sometimes used as an alternative medicine. Hence, there is demand for Manuka honey in the medical practices of Mexico. The other factors for choosing Mexico as export destination are the profit making scopes, growth of business in a foreign market, international brand image, and competitive advantage. The country specific factors include the quality and price of the local production, the economic and political stability, government policies supporting the business of honey imports. Market Research The target market of the Manuka Honey is mainly the middle age people of the society who use honey for various house hold works or use honey as a medicine (Kamaratos et al., 2014). It is important for every business organization to identify the target market and observe the requirement of the potential consumers. Manuka Honey often conducts market survey on the target market to understand the market demand of their product and requirements of the consumers. It helps the organizational management to design their organizational strategy according to the requirements of the consumers. Therefore, Manuka honey used the method of market survey for assessing the demand for the imported honey. They used the target group of middle aged customers as well as the retailers, who can give feedbacks about the sales data of honey. Evaluation of methods Manuka honey has used the survey method for market research. It is most reliable and practical method for market research. Surveys give the first hand feedback of the customers. Before entering the market, Manuka performed the market survey. The survey included the middle aged and senior customers as well as the retailers. Manuka found out that customers do not like the local honey brands, as they feel that the quality of honey is degrading and the price is getting higher day by day. Thus, this survey method was useful as the respondents found it easier to give answer as per the questions asked. The retailers also found it easier to respond to the questions, as it did not take longer time and hamper their business. Thus, this survey method adopted by Manuka was successful to do the market research for the imported product (Thamboo et al., 2016). Competitive Advantage Mexican honey industry is renowned in all over the world. According to some reports, Mexico is known for exporting huge amount of honey to the various corners of the world. Almost every year it exports 45,000 tons in the other countries. At the same time, Mexico imports close to 5% of honey from New Zealand. The competitive advantage of exporting honey to Mexico is the lower entry barrier, lower quality of the products of the local competitors and better price. New Zealand exploits these advantages for exporting honey to Mexico. It provides a great opportunity to the Manuka Honey to earn huge profit by providing high quality honey (Alvarez-Suarez et al., 2016). By providing quality honey to the Mexico, Manuka Honey has put a strong footprint in the market, which is highly beneficial for the organization to earn desired reputation among other rival companies and defeating other competitors. Finally, it can be concluded that, Manuka honey from New Zealand has been successful in making a good brand image in Mexico. Through a proper market entry analysis and proper market research, Manuka honey was able to find the scopes for the growth of business in this country. Although Mexico is a major honey exporter in the world, still Manuka became a big brand name in Mexico by providing good quality of honey to the customers. References: Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Giampieri, F., Cordero, M., Gasparrini, M., Forbes-Hernndez, T. Y., Mazzoni, L., ... Varela-Lopez, A. (2016). Activation of AMPK/Nrf2 signalling by Manuka honey protects human dermal fibroblasts against oxidative damage by improving antioxidant response and mitochondrial function promoting wound healing.Journal of Functional Foods,25, 38-49. Kamaratos, A. V., Tzirogiannis, K. N., Iraklianou, S. A., Panoutsopoulos, G. I., Kanellos, I. E., Melidonis, A. I. (2014). Manuka honey?impregnated dressings in the treatment of neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers.International wound journal,11(3), 259-263. (2017). Thamboo, A., Mulholland, G., Matthews, K., Ayoub, N., Anderson, D. (2016). Objective and subjective scar aesthetics with topical Manuka honey post-thyroidectomy: A randomized control study.World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.